  collapse = TRUE,echo = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,warning = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"

# library(car)




# library(sandwich)
# library(clubSandwich)
# library(lmtest)


# library(igraph)

# library(DescTools)
save_temp_status = FALSE

countries_list = list(
  oecd_countries = c("Australia","Austria","Belgium","Canada","Chile",
                  "Germany","Greece","Hungary", "Iceland","Ireland",
  strong_countries = c("Australia","Austria","Belgium","Canada",
  fsap_countries = c("Austria","Belgium","Germany","Denmark","Spain",
  eu_countries = c("Austria","Belgium","Bulgaria","Croatia","Cyprus",
                   "Latvia","Lithuania","Luxembourg", "Malta","Netherlands",
  euro_countries = c("Austria","Belgium","Cyprus","Estonia","Finland",
                     "Latvia","Lithuania","Luxembourg", "Malta",

countries_list$weak_countries = countries_list$oecd_countries[!countries_list$oecd_countries %in% countries_list$strong_countries]

pairs_list = lapply(names(countries_list),
             apply(combn(countries_list[[temp_name]],2), 2,
                            paste(temp_col[1],temp_col[2],sep = "-"),
                            paste(temp_col[2],temp_col[1],sep = "-"))})


names(pairs_list) = paste(names(countries_list), "pairs", sep = "_")

countries_list = c(countries_list, pairs_list)


countries_list$cross_country_pairs = countries_list$oecd_countries_pairs[!countries_list$oecd_countries_pairs %in% countries_list$strong_countries_pairs & !countries_list$oecd_countries_pairs %in% countries_list$weak_countries_pairs]

reg_list = list()

hyp_test_list = list()

control_vars = c("trade_gdp","FX_stab_tot","FO_ind_tot","MI_ind_tot",

reg_formula = paste("Fin_synch ~ lag(bank_gdp,1) * Crises",
                    "lag(bank_gdp,1) * FD_tot",
                    # "lag(bank_gdp,1) * EU_both",
                    # "lag(bank_gdp,1) * Euro_both",
                    "lag(bank_gdp,1) * Common_Lang",
                               collapse = "+"),
                     sep = "+")

temp_names = c("lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\)",
               # "EU_both",
               # "Euro_both",
               "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):Crises",
               "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):FD_tot",
               # "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):EU_both",
               # "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):Euro_both",
               "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):Common_Lang")

temp_names_lag = c("lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\)",
               "lag\\(Crises, 1\\)",
               "lag\\(FD_tot, 1\\)",
               # "lag\\(EU_both, 1\\)",
               # "lag\\(Euro_both, 1\\)",
               "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):lag\\(Crises, 1\\)",
               "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):lag\\(FD_tot, 1\\)",
               # "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):lag\\(EU_both, 1\\)",
               # "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):lag\\(Euro_both, 1\\)",
               "lag\\(bank_gdp, 1\\):lag\\(Common_Lang, 1\\)")

temp_labels = c("Bank linkages (lag)",
                # "EU both",
                # "Euro both",
                "Bank linkages (lag) * Crises",
                "Bank linkages (lag) * FD",
                # "Bank linkages (lag) * EU both",
                # "Bank linkages (lag) * Euro both",
                "Bank linkages (lag) * Commong Lang")
raw_data = list()

raw_data$HousePrice =
  countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.yearqtr(Date, format = "%Y-Q%q"))

raw_data$TotalCredit =
  countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.yearqtr(Date, format = "%Y-Q%q"))

raw_data$WDI_annual = import_wdi_df(
  countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  mutate(GDP = GDP * 10 ^ (-6)) # Convert to millions USD

raw_data$bis_lbs =
  countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.yearqtr(Date, format = "%Y-Q%q"))

# raw_data$Harmon_both_quarter = %>% 
#   construct_countrypair_harmon_index(.,dates_vec = seq.Date(
#     from = as.Date(min(raw_data$bis_lbs$Date)),
#     to = as.Date(max(raw_data$bis_lbs$Date)),
#     by = "quarter") %>% as.yearqtr())
# raw_data$Harmon_one_quarter = %>% 
#   construct_countrypair_harmon_index(.,dates_vec = seq.Date(
#     from = as.Date(min(raw_data$bis_lbs$Date)),
#     to = as.Date(max(raw_data$bis_lbs$Date)),
#     by = "quarter") %>% as.yearqtr(),index_status = "one")

raw_data$codes = read.csv(paste0("C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents",
                                 "_codes.csv")) %>% 
eu_df = read.csv(paste0("C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\",
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
  setNames(c("Country","Euro_area","EU")) %>% 
  mutate(Country = gsub("\\s","_",Country)) %>% 
  mutate(Country = sub("The_Netherlands","Netherlands",
                       Country,fixed = TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(Country = sub("Slovakia","Slovak_Republic", Country,fixed = TRUE))

eu_dates_vec = seq.Date(
    from = as.Date(min(raw_data$bis_lbs$Date)),
    to = as.Date(max(raw_data$bis_lbs$Date)),
    by = "year") %>% 

raw_data$EU_both = construct_countrypair_EU_index(
  eu_df = eu_df %>% 
    select(Country, EU) %>% 
    rename(Date = EU),
  dates_vec = eu_dates_vec,
  countries = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  rename(EU_both = Status) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.character(Date))

raw_data$EU_one = construct_countrypair_EU_index(
  eu_df = eu_df %>% 
    select(Country, EU) %>% 
    rename(Date = EU),
  dates_vec = eu_dates_vec,
  countries = countries_list$oecd_countries,
  index_status = "one") %>% 
  rename(EU_one = Status) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.character(Date))

raw_data$Euro_both = construct_countrypair_EU_index(
  eu_df = eu_df %>% 
    select(Country, Euro_area) %>% 
    rename(Date = Euro_area) %>% 
    filter(!Date == "Not a member"),
  dates_vec = eu_dates_vec,
  countries = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  rename(Euro_both = Status) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.character(Date))

raw_data$Euro_one = construct_countrypair_EU_index(
  eu_df = eu_df %>% 
    select(Country, Euro_area) %>% 
    rename(Date = Euro_area),
  dates_vec = eu_dates_vec,
  countries = countries_list$oecd_countries,
  index_status = "one") %>% 
  rename(Euro_one = Status) %>% 
  mutate(Date = as.character(Date))

rm(eu_df, eu_dates_vec)
raw_data$geodist = %>% 
  filter(Country %in% countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  filter(Counter_Country %in% countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  mutate(CountryPair = ifelse(Country < Counter_Country,
                              paste(Country, Counter_Country, sep = "-"),
                              paste(Counter_Country,Country, sep = "-"))) %>% 
  select(-Country, -Counter_Country) %>% 
raw_data$crises_df =  import.crises.dates.df(countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries)
df_list = list(raw_data$TotalCredit %>%
  filter(quarters(Date) == "Q4") %>%
  mutate(Date = format(Date, "%Y")) %>%,vars_to_deflate = "Total_Credit") %>% 
  raw_data$HousePrice %>%
  filter(quarters(Date) == "Q4") %>%
  mutate(Date = format(Date, "%Y")),
  raw_data$WDI_annual %>%
  rename(Date = Year) %>%
  select(-GDP_per_Capita) %>%,vars_to_deflate = c("GDP"),
               cpi = raw_data$CPI) %>% 

country_df = df_list %>% 
  reduce(right_join, by = c("Date", "Country")) %>% 
  group_by(Country) %>% 
  arrange(Date) %>% 
  mutate_at(.vars = c("Total_Credit_real","HousePrice"),
            .funs = list(ret = ~ . / dplyr::lag(., order_by = Date) - 1)) %>%
  # mutate_at(.vars = c("Total_Credit_real","HousePrice"),
  #           .funs = list(ret = ~c(NA,diff(log(.))))) %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars("Total_Credit_real","HousePrice"),
            .funs = list(cycle = ~cffilter(., pl = 2 * 4,
                                           pu = 8* 4 )[["cycle"]] / .)) %>%
  mutate(Fin_ret = rowMeans(data.frame(Total_Credit_real_ret,
                                      HousePrice_ret),na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(Fin_cycle = rowMeans(data.frame(Total_Credit_real_cycle,
                                      HousePrice_cycle),na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(is.finite(Fin_ret)) %>% 
  filter(Date >=1978)

country_df = left_join(country_df, import.trilemma.ind(),
               by = c("Country","Date"))
country_df = left_join(country_df,,
               by = c("Country","Date"))
bank_list = list()

raw_data$bank_balance_real_norm = raw_data$bis_lbs %>%
  filter(quarters(Date) == "Q4") %>%
  mutate(Date = format(Date, "%Y")) %>%,vars_to_deflate = "Balance") %>%
  select(Date, CountryPair,Balance_Pos, Balance_real) %>%,norm_df = country_df[,c("Date","Country", "GDP_real")],
                     norm_val = "GDP_real")

bank_list$bank_gdp = raw_data$bank_balance_real_norm   %>% 
  group_by(Date, CountryPair) %>%
  summarise(bank_gdp = mean(log(Balance_real), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# bank_pop = bank_balance_real  %>%
#,norm_df = df[,c("Date","Country", "Pop")],
#                      norm_val = "Pop") %>% 
#   group_by(Date, CountryPair) %>%
#   summarise(bank_pop = mean(log(Balance_real), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#   filter(!
trade_list = list()

export_df = lapply(list.files(paste0("C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\Data",
                              full.names = TRUE),
                   countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 
  mutate(Exports = as.numeric(Exports)) %>% 
  group_by(Date, CountryPair) %>% 
  summarise(Exports = sum(Exports, na.rm = TRUE))

import_df = lapply(list.files(paste0("C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\Data",
                              full.names = TRUE),
                   countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries) %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 
  mutate(Imports = as.numeric(Imports)) %>%
  group_by(Date, CountryPair) %>% 
  summarise(Imports = sum(Imports, na.rm = TRUE))

trade_df = full_join(export_df,import_df, by = c("Date", "CountryPair")) %>% 
  gather(.,key = Balance_Pos, value = Trade, -Date, - CountryPair) %>%,vars_to_deflate = "Trade") %>% 

trade_list$trade_gdp = trade_df %>%
  ungroup() %>%,wdi_df = country_df[,c("Date","Country", "GDP_real")],
                     norm_val = "GDP_real") %>%
  group_by(Date, CountryPair) %>%
  summarise(trade_gdp = mean(log(Trade_real), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  filter(! %>% 

rm(export_df, import_df, trade_df)
ind_list = list()

# ind_list$Harmon_both = raw_data$Harmon_both_quarter %>% 
#                        mutate(Date = format(Date, "%Y")) %>% 
#                        group_by(CountryPair, Date, Directive) %>% 
#                        summarise(Transposed = max(Transposed)) %>% 
#                        group_by(Date,CountryPair) %>% 
#                        summarise(Harmon_both_Index = log(
#                          sum(Transposed + 1,na.rm = TRUE)))
#  ind_list$Harmon_one = raw_data$Harmon_one_quarter %>% 
#                        mutate(Date = format(Date, "%Y")) %>% 
#                        group_by(CountryPair, Date, Directive) %>% 
#                        summarise(Transposed = max(Transposed)) %>% 
#                        group_by(Date,CountryPair) %>% 
#                        summarise(Harmon_one_Index = log(
#                          sum(Transposed + 1,na.rm = TRUE)))

   ind_list$EU_both = raw_data$EU_both

   ind_list$EU_one =  raw_data$EU_one

   ind_list$Euro_both =  raw_data$Euro_both

   ind_list$Euro_one = raw_data$Euro_one
country_pair_df = unlist(list(bank_list, trade_list, ind_list),
                         recursive = FALSE) %>% 
  reduce(left_join, by = c("Date","CountryPair"))
country_pair_df = country_pair_df %>% 
  separate(col = CountryPair,into = c("Country_A","Country_B"),
           sep = "-", remove = FALSE) %>% 
  group_by(Country_A) %>% 
  mutate(Country_A_crises = classify_crises_dates(
    Target_Country = Country_A[1],
    dates_vec = Date,
    crises_df = raw_data$crises_df[,1:3])) %>% 
  group_by(Country_B) %>% 
  mutate(Country_B_crises = classify_crises_dates(
    Target_Country = Country_B[1],
    dates_vec = Date,
    crises_df = raw_data$crises_df[,1:3])) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(Crises_tot = sum(Country_A_crises, Country_B_crises)) %>% 
  mutate(Crises_one = as.numeric(Crises_tot ==1)) %>% 
  mutate(Crises_both = as.numeric(Crises_tot ==2)) %>% 
  mutate(Crises = min(Crises_tot,1)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
country_pair_df = country_pair_df %>% 
  left_join(.,raw_data$geodist %>% 
              select(CountryPair, comlang_ethno) %>% 
              rename(Common_Lang = comlang_ethno) %>% 
              distinct(), by = "CountryPair")
controls =  c("FX_stab","MI_ind","FO_ind","FD","GDP_real","Pop")

country_pair_df = append.countrypair.dataframe(
  country_df %>%
    select(Date,Country,controls) %>% 
    mutate(GDP_real = log(GDP_real))) %>% 
  collapse_pair_controls(controls,collapse_funcs = "sum")

fin_reg_df = construct_fin_reg(
  df = df %>% 
             "Country","Date","Fin_ret")) %>% 
    mutate(GDP_real = log(GDP_real),
           Pop = log(Pop)),
  countries_vec = countries_list$oecd_countries,
  control_vars = c("FX_stab","MI_ind","FO_ind","FD","GDP_real","Pop"),
  collapse_funcs = c("sum"))

fin_reg_df = fin_reg_df %>% 
  full_join(.,get.roll.cor(df %>% select(Date, Country,Fin_cycle),win_len = 5) %>% 
              rename(Fin_cycle_corr = Fin_cycle),
            by = c("Date","CountryPair"))

fin_reg_df = fin_reg_df %>% 
  full_join(.,country_pair_df, by = c("Date","CountryPair"))

fin_reg_df = fin_reg_df %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(! %>% 

temp_lm_resid = function(x,Time){

  if(sum(! < 2){return(rep(NA, length(x)))}

  return(residuals(lm(x ~ Time)))


fin_reg_df = fin_reg_df %>% 
  group_by(CountryPair) %>% 
  mutate(Time_trend = = 1,to = length(Date))) %>% 
  # mutate(bank_gdp_delta = c(NA, diff(bank_gdp))) %>% 
  # mutate(Fin_synch_delta = c(NA, diff(Fin_synch))) %>% 
  # mutate(bank_gdp_detrended = temp_lm_resid(bank_gdp, Time_trend)) %>% 
  # mutate(Fin_synch_detrended = temp_lm_resid(Fin_synch, Time_trend)) %>% 
  # mutate(Harmon_both_detrended = temp_lm_resid(Harmon_both_Index,
  #                                              Time_trend)) %>% 

fin_reg_df$CountryPair_Category[fin_reg_df$CountryPair %in% countries_list$strong_countries_pairs] = "KPP"

fin_reg_df$CountryPair_Category[fin_reg_df$CountryPair %in% c(countries_list$weak_countries_pairs, countries_list$cross_country_pairs)] = "Complement"

# saveRDS(fin_reg_df, "C:\\Users\\Misha\\Desktop\\temp_df.rds")
fin_synch = get.neg.abs.diff(country_df[,c("Date","Country","Fin_ret")]) %>% 
  rename(Fin_synch = Fin_ret)

credit_synch = get.neg.abs.diff(country_df[,c("Date","Country",
                                              "Total_Credit_real_ret")]) %>% 
  rename(Credit_synch = Total_Credit_real_ret)

house_synch = get.neg.abs.diff(country_df[,c("Date","Country",
                                             "HousePrice_ret")]) %>% 
  rename(House_synch = HousePrice_ret)
fin_reg_df = list(country_pair_df, fin_synch, credit_synch, house_synch) %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = c("CountryPair","Date")) %>% 
  group_by(CountryPair) %>% 
  mutate(Time_Trend = seq_along(Date)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(Fin_synch = 100 * Fin_synch) %>% 
  mutate(Credit_synch = 100 * Credit_synch) %>% 
  mutate(House_synch = 100 * House_synch)

# fin_reg_df$CountryPair_Category[fin_reg_df$CountryPair %in% countries_list$strong_countries_pairs] = "KPP"
# fin_reg_df$CountryPair_Category[fin_reg_df$CountryPair %in% c(countries_list$weak_countries_pairs, countries_list$cross_country_pairs)] = "Complement"
country_pairs_table = table(fin_reg_df$CountryPair)

fin_reg_df = fin_reg_df %>%
  filter(CountryPair %in% names(country_pairs_table)[
    country_pairs_table > 10])

# fin_reg_df = fin_reg_df %>% 
#   filter(bank_gdp >= quantile(bank_gdp,0.025) &
#          bank_gdp <= quantile(bank_gdp,0.975))
write_rds(x = raw_data,
        path = paste0("C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\Data\\TempData",

write_rds(x = country_df,
        path = "C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\Data\\TempData\\temp_country_df.rds")

write_rds(x = fin_reg_df,
        path = "C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\Data\\TempData\\temp_fin_df_new.rds")
reg_list$baseline = plm(formula = formula(reg_formula),data = fin_reg_df,
          model = "within",effect = "twoways",
          index = c("CountryPair","Date"))

coef_vec = coefficients(reg_list$baseline)

coef_vec = coef_vec[names(coef_vec) %in% c("lag(bank_gdp, 1)",
                                           "lag(bank_gdp, 1):Crises",
                                           "lag(bank_gdp, 1):FD_tot")]
reg_list$credit = plm(formula = formula(sub("Fin_synch","Credit_synch",
                                           reg_formula, fixed = TRUE)),
                      data = fin_reg_df,
                      model = "within",effect = "twoways",
                      index = c("CountryPair","Date"))

reg_list$house = plm(formula = formula(sub("Fin_synch","House_synch",
                                           reg_formula, fixed = TRUE)),
                     data = fin_reg_df,
                     model = "within",effect = "twoways",
                     index = c("CountryPair","Date"))

reg_list$lag = plm(
  formula = formula(paste("Fin_synch ~ lag(bank_gdp,1) * lag(Crises,1)",
                                  "lag(bank_gdp,1) * lag(FD_tot,1)",
                                  "lag(bank_gdp,1) * lag(EU_both,1)",
                                  # "lag(bank_gdp,1) * lag(Euro_both,1)",
                                  "lag(bank_gdp,1) * lag(Common_Lang,1)",
                                        collapse = "+"),
                                  sep = "+")),data = fin_reg_df,
          model = "within",effect = "twoways",
          index = c("CountryPair","Date"))
reg_list$before_2007 = plm(formula = formula(reg_formula),
          data = fin_reg_df %>% filter(Date <= 2006),
          model = "within",effect = "twoways",
          index = c("CountryPair","Date"))

coef_vec_before_2007 = coefficients(reg_list$before_2007)

coef_vec_before_2007 = coef_vec_before_2007[names(coef_vec_before_2007) %in%
                                              c("lag(bank_gdp, 1)",
                                                "lag(bank_gdp, 1):Crises",
                                                "lag(bank_gdp, 1):FD_tot")]
reg_no_trend_formula = paste("Fin_synch ~ lag(bank_gdp,1) * Crises",
                             "lag(bank_gdp,1) * FD_tot",
                             # "lag(bank_gdp,1) * EU_both",
                             "lag(bank_gdp,1) * Euro_both",
                             "lag(bank_gdp,1) * Common_Lang",
                             paste(control_vars, collapse = "+"),
                             sep = "+")

reg_list$no_trend = plm(formula = formula(reg_no_trend_formula),
                   data = fin_reg_df,
                   model = "within",effect = "twoways",
                   index = c("CountryPair","Date"))
write_rds(x = reg_list,
        path = "C:\\Users\\Misha\\Documents\\Data\\TempData\\temp_reg.rds")

\section{Estimation and results} \label{results}

star = stargazer(reg_list$baseline, header = FALSE,digits = 2,
          label = "baseline",table.placement = "H",
          title = "Panel specification with controls",
          dep.var.caption = "Fin cycles synch",
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          notes = paste0("\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                         paste0("The table presents panel estimation that ",
                                "includes twoway fixed effects and country-pair ",
                                " specific linear time trend. ",
                                "Financial cycles synchronization is the negative ",
                                "difference of financial cycles growth rates. ",
                                "Bank linkages is ",
                                "the cross border banking claims. ",
                                "Controls include foreign exchange ",
                                "stability, monetary independence, financial ",
                                "openness , trade linkages and GDP (log). ",
                                "The standard errors are clustered ",
                                "at country-pair level and ",
                                "heteroscedasticity robust."),
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          se = list(sqrt(diag(vcovHC(reg_list$baseline,cluster = "group")))),
          keep = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),order = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),
          covariate.labels = temp_labels,
          omit.stat = c("f","adj.rsq"))

star = sub("\\textit{Note:}  & \\multicolumn{1}{l}{\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\parbox[t]{10cm}{\\textit{Note:} ",
                    star,fixed = TRUE)

rm(temp_se_list, temp_reg_list)
cat(star,sep = "\n")

\section{Robustness} \label{Robust}

\subsection{1978 - 2006 period}

star_2006 = stargazer(reg_list$before_2007, header = FALSE,digits = 2,
          label = "before_2007",table.placement = "H",
          title = "Panel specification with controls, before 2006",
          dep.var.caption = "Fin cycles synch",
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          notes = paste0("\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                         paste0("The table presents panel estimation that ",
                                "includes twoway fixed effects and country-pair ",
                                " specific linear time trend. ",
                                "Financial cycles synchronization is the negative ",
                                "difference of financial cycles growth rates. ",
                                "Bank linkages is ",
                                "the cross border banking claims. ",
                                "Controls include foreign exchange ",
                                "stability, monetary independence, financial ",
                                "openness , trade linkages and GDP (log). ",
                                "The standard errors are clustered ",
                                "at country-pair level and ",
                                "heteroscedasticity robust."),
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          se = list(sqrt(diag(vcovHC(reg_list$before_2007,cluster = "group")))),
          keep = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),order = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),
          covariate.labels = temp_labels,
          omit.stat = c("f","adj.rsq"))

star_2006 = sub("\\textit{Note:}  & \\multicolumn{1}{l}{\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\parbox[t]{10cm}{\\textit{Note:} ",
                    star_2006,fixed = TRUE)
cat(star_2006,sep = "\n")


\subsubsection{No trend}

In this section, I exclude the country-pair specific linear trend in order to test the robustness of my estimation. Table \ref{no_trend} presents the results.

star_no_trend = stargazer(reg_list$no_trend, header = FALSE,digits = 2,
          label = "no_trend",table.placement = "H",
          title = "Panel specification with controls, no trend",
          dep.var.caption = "Fin cycles synch",
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          notes = paste0("\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                         paste0("The table presents panel estimation that ",
                                "includes twoway fixed effects. ",
                                "Financial cycles synchronization is the negative ",
                                "difference of financial cycles growth rates. ",
                                "Bank linkages is ",
                                "the cross border banking claims. ",
                                "Controls include foreign exchange ",
                                "stability, monetary independence, financial ",
                                "openness , trade linkages and GDP (log). ",
                                "The standard errors are clustered ",
                                "at country-pair level and ",
                                "heteroscedasticity robust."),
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          se = list(sqrt(diag(vcovHC(reg_list$no_trend,cluster = "group")))),
          keep = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),order = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),
          covariate.labels = temp_labels,
          omit.stat = c("f","adj.rsq"))

star_no_trend = sub("\\textit{Note:}  & \\multicolumn{1}{l}{\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\parbox[t]{10cm}{\\textit{Note:} ",
                    star_no_trend,fixed = TRUE)
cat(star_no_trend,sep = "\n")


star_credit = stargazer(reg_list$credit, header = FALSE,digits = 2,
          label = "credit",table.placement = "H",
          title = "Panel specification with controls, credit",
          dep.var.caption = "Credit cycles synchronization",
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          notes = paste0("\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                         paste0("The table presents panel estimation that ",
                                "includes twoway fixed effects and country-pair ",
                                " specific linear time trend. ",
                                "Financial cycles synchronization is the negative ",
                                "difference of financial cycles growth rates. ",
                                "Bank linkages is ",
                                "the cross border banking claims. ",
                                "Controls include foreign exchange ",
                                "stability, monetary independence, financial ",
                                "openness , trade linkages and GDP (log). ",
                                "The standard errors are clustered ",
                                "at country-pair level and ",
                                "heteroscedasticity robust."),
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          se = list(sqrt(diag(vcovHC(reg_list$credit,cluster = "group")))),
          keep = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),order = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),
          covariate.labels = temp_labels,
          omit.stat = c("f","adj.rsq"))

star_credit = sub("\\textit{Note:}  & \\multicolumn{1}{l}{\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\parbox[t]{10cm}{\\textit{Note:} ",
                    star_credit,fixed = TRUE)
cat(star_credit,sep = "\n")


star_house = stargazer(reg_list$house, header = FALSE,digits = 2,
          label = "house",table.placement = "H",
          title = "Panel specification with controls, house",
          dep.var.caption = "House cycles synchronization",
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          notes = paste0("\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                         paste0("The table presents panel estimation that ",
                                "includes twoway fixed effects and country-pair ",
                                " specific linear time trend. ",
                                "Financial cycles synchronization is the negative ",
                                "difference of financial cycles growth rates. ",
                                "Bank linkages is ",
                                "the cross border banking claims. ",
                                "Controls include foreign exchange ",
                                "stability, monetary independence, financial ",
                                "openness , trade linkages and GDP (log). ",
                                "The standard errors are clustered ",
                                "at country-pair level and ",
                                "heteroscedasticity robust."),
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          se = list(sqrt(diag(vcovHC(reg_list$house,cluster = "group")))),
          keep = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),order = paste0("^",temp_names,"$"),
          covariate.labels = temp_labels,
          omit.stat = c("f","adj.rsq"))

star_house = sub("\\textit{Note:}  & \\multicolumn{1}{l}{\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\parbox[t]{10cm}{\\textit{Note:} ",
                    star_house,fixed = TRUE)
cat(star_house,sep = "\n")

\subsubsection{Lagged regression}

star_lag = stargazer(reg_list$lag, header = FALSE,digits = 2,
          label = "lagged",table.placement = "H",
          title = "Panel specification with controls, lagged",
          dep.var.caption = "Fin cycles synch",
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          notes = paste0("\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                         paste0("The table presents panel estimation that ",
                                "includes twoway fixed effects.",
                                "Financial cycles synchronization is the negative ",
                                "difference of financial cycles growth rates. ",
                                "Bank linkages is ",
                                "the cross border banking claims. ",
                                "Controls include foreign exchange ",
                                "stability, monetary independence, financial ",
                                "openness , trade linkages and GDP (log). ",
                                "The standard errors are clustered ",
                                "at country-pair level and ",
                                "heteroscedasticity robust."),
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          se = list(sqrt(diag(vcovHC(reg_list$lag,cluster = "group")))),
          column.sep.width = "1pt",
          keep = paste0("^",temp_names_lag,"$"),
          order = paste0("^",temp_names_lag,"$"),
          covariate.labels = temp_labels,
          omit.stat = c("f","adj.rsq"))

star_lag = sub("\\textit{Note:}  & \\multicolumn{1}{l}{\\parbox[t]{8cm}{",
                    "\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\parbox[t]{10cm}{\\textit{Note:} ",
                    star_lag,fixed = TRUE)
cat(star_lag,sep = "\n")

MichaelGurkov/FinSynch documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 9:27 p.m.